What are services like?
North Church exists to see every man, woman, and child in the Polk County, and around the world, have multiple opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Every week, you will find passionate and authentic worship, real life gospel-centered preaching, and a God-centered kids ministry. Whether you’ve been around church all of your life or this is your first time ever stepping foot in a church, we want to make sure that you feel like family.

What is the worship music like?
At North Church, we believe that music is a vital part of the worship service. Worship is a moment where you can have an interactive moment with God, and allow Him to minster to you in that moment. Our goal is that each and every person present at our worship services would leave with a sense reassurance and appreciation in who God is in their lives. Our intent is for you not to watch us worship, but for you to be a part of the worship.

What is the teaching like?
At North Church, you will find our preaching to take real life and show you how you can see/use biblical principals in every moment of your life. Our messages are presented through expository based and gospel-centered relatable content. Regardless of who is presenting the message, each message will reflect the the purpose of the Bible in its totality—that we we should have no other option, but to love God when we see His great love for us. The Gospel is always the point, and Jesus is always the center of every service.

What does North have for kids?
At North Church, we want our kids to meet Jesus and make friends. Each week, your children will learn about Jesus and the Gospel as they study through the Bible and discover God’s amazing love toward them. Through meaningful lessons, activities, and worship experiences, we believe every child can understand something about the gospel.
Plan Your visit
You do not have to RSVP in order to come to North, but we would love to make sure that we don't miss you at service. If you would like, fill out the form below, and let us know that you are coming to our Sunday "Family Reunion"!
We can't wait to worship with you!