
Our Beliefs

Click on a topic to learn more about the beliefs of North Church. Feel free to click on the scripture reference associated with each topic to view the text. If you have any questions concerning our beliefs or would like to schedule a meeting to discuss them, please feel free to reach us through our contact page.

The Bible is God’s Word of instruction, guidance, promise, and revelation to all people that choose to accept it. The Bible was written by men under the spiritual authority and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible, in its entirety, is infallible and holds stedfast regardless of the progression of time. There is no other truth that supersedes the very essence of God’s Word.

Matthew 4:4      John 1:1-5      Ephesians 4:16    2 Timothy 3:16-17    John 5:39

God is all knowing, all powerful, and has eternally existed coequally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Before God, there was nothing. He spoke the world into existence, formed man from dust, and breathed oxygen into the lungs of His creation. 

1 Corinthians 8:6      Psalms 90:2     

Jesus is the Son of God, and is coequal to the Father and the Son. Jesus was born to pay a price that we could not, through death. He lived a life that was sinless, so that He could die as ransom for all of our sins. Jesus fulfilled the totality of His earthly mission by raising from the dead three days after His final breath. This demonstration of Christ’s ability to conquer sin and death is a promise that we find solace in, and gives us reassurance that His full promise will be fulfilled when He comes to reign as King.

John1:1-5      1 Timothy 6:14-15     Luke 22:70    Philippians 2:5-11  

The Holy Spirit is a coequal to the The Father and The Son. The Holy Spirit compels us to surrender our life to God, and gives us daily guidance to to stay within the will of God. The daily goal of the believer should be to have their heart in tune with the voice of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19      John 15:26      Ephesians 1:13-14    John14:26    

Baptism is a public expression of your decision to find a new life in Christ. Baptism does not make you a follower of Christ, but it is a public representation of you being raised from the death of sin into a life that is renewed through the grace and mercy of Christ Jesus.

Romans 6:4      Acts 8:12      Colossians 2:12
John 3:1-15  

Eternity is a reality for all man. Eternity will either be spent in the presence of God, or separated from Him. Eternal seperation from God is hell, and eternal life with Christ is heaven. Both are very real.

Romans 6:23      John 3:16      John 3:36    Philippians 2:5-11    Matthew 25:41

We believe that all man are created in the image of God. Man were created to have fellowship with God, but our sin (disobedience) caused us to become separated from Him. No man is perfect and unable to obtain forgiveness (make things right with God) without the grace and mercy only found through Christ’s death. All man were created with a unique gift (talent) and calling that we are to use to draw people to Christ. 

Acts 17:26-31      Colossians 1:21-22     Jeremiah 17:5
   Genesis 1:26-27  

Salvation is a free gift offered to all man, but must be accepted in order to truly experience it. The blood of Jesus, on the cross of Calvary, was the price that was paid that has made a way for us to truly be able to obtain forgiveness of our sins. Salvation can not be earned through doing or living good, but only through placing our life and faith in Christ, and Him alone.

Romans 3:23      John 3:16      1 John 1:9    Romans 10:9-10    Galatians 2:20

The church is a community of believers that come together to grow closer to each other and Christ. The church functions under the authority of the Word of God, and is intent on sharing the hope that they have found in Christ, with others. The body is made up of many different backgrounds, races, gifts, but has one goal. Each member of the body is purposeful in operating in their gifts and play in active role in growing the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 12:12-27      Romans 12:4-5      Ephesians 4:16    Colossians 1:8    1 Corinthians 1:10

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