North Kids is all about Discovering God's Love. We believe that our Younger North Fam isn't the church of tomorrow, but they are an active and vital part of the church today! We spend every Sunday Morning singing worship music in the Main Sanctuary, and then we bring our North Kids back for an interactive and God focused lesson.

Bring your NB thru 5th grader to join us every Sunday, as we Discover God's Love together!

North Kids Age Groups

Our lessons are designed to engage and encourage kids of all ages, and in every level of their walk with Christ.

Nursery: Newborn - 2 Years Old
Nursery: Newborn - 2 Years Old

Our North Nursery is designed to give the parents an opportunity to be able to fully enjoy the worship service, and have complete confidence that their little one is being cared for and loved. Our Nursery Team not only has a heart for God, but they love our North Babies.

North Littles: 3 Years Old - Kindergarten
North Littles: 3 Years Old - Kindergarten

Our North Littles are at an age where learning is more hands on. We engage them with fun activities and short lessons that not only teach them about Jesus, but also how to show others the love of Jesus. Our littles are given a snack, fun time, and a craft every Sunday.

Elementary: 1st Grade - 5th Grade
Elementary: 1st Grade - 5th Grade

Our elementary ministry is designed to be challenging and immersive. This is an age where we challenge your kids in their Bible knowledge. We play games, do creative crafts and learn exciting new things about the Bible and how to share the love of Jesus with others.

Be a part of the North Kids Team!

Would you like to be part of the North Kids team? Our team is run entirely by volunteers and we are always on the look-out for more people to join with us in building the church. If you want to invest into the next generation and would like to volunteer either on Sundays or for an event, please email us at

Please note: as part of our child protection policy and to ensure the safety of our kids we are required to complete reference checks and a background check on anyone who serves as part of the North Kids team.

In The Know

Here Are Some Answers to our North Kids FAQ

Do you do anything other than Sunday Mornings for kids?

At North we value families, and know that children are the future of the church. We take every opportunity to celebrate children and the family experience. We have VBS every summer, Egg-strava-ganza for Easter, pictures with Santa at Christmas, family fun night at Stars and Strikes, pumpkin patch fun, Luau swim party to kick off the school year, craft Sundays and so much more. We keep your kid busy with their North family.

How safe is the North Kids area?

The North Kids area not only has a check-in process, but it also has a check-out process. Once the service begins, the child should not leave the area. There is a bathroom in the children’s area for convenience. Once service is over, you will sign your child out with one of our team members. If at any time your child needs you, we will have your phone number via the MinHub app.

Will my kid(s) sit in the adult service at any point?

The North Nursery and North Littles will spend the entirety of the church service in our kid’s area. Our North Kids Team will provide your NB – Kindergartener a lesson that is tailored to their age, a snack, and a fun time.

Our Elementary North Fam will join the adult service for the music portion of the worship service, and then be escorted out to our North Kids Sanctuary. Every 4th Sunday is Family Sunday, and we invite our Elementary Kids to stay in the adult service, where Pastor Vince will preach a message that will include a sermon that can be understood by them, and a visual illustration.

How do I check my kid into North Kids on Sunday Morning?

We use an app called MinHub Kids to check all the kids in and out every Sunday. We have two ways that you can check-in your kid(s):

1. You can register your kid(s) via the MinHub Portal app (available for on Apple or Android). Once you log in, and use the ministry code provided at the check-in kiosk, the registration process is seamless.

2. The easiest option would be to let one of our North Kid Team Members know that you are a first time visitor, and let them walk you through the process.

Whichever option you choose, we will make sure that you are connected to MinHub, and kept in the loop.

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